Tuesday, November 10, 2009

...briefly about babywearing

perhaps co-incidental...but the only photos i like with me in them tend to be when i am wearing one of my sons. but i have learned that certain carriers work both for bub and me.

so my take on some of the carriers...

stretchy wraps - right now, e and i are loving the sleepy wrap. very easy to use, comfy and easy to wash. e can last in it for hours.

ring sling - e is not a fan yet, but i used an organic cotton ring sling with c until i was almost 4mths pregnant...so past c's 2nd birthday. as they get bigger, best for shorter walks since side carry is used most.

sling - neither bub liked the hotsling...it's pretty but didnt fit well for a heavy-chested mama.

mei tai - great...steep learning curve for me for back carry. c fell asleep in back carry a lot so the only downside was trying to support his head when he conked out. really good for long walks.

baby bjorn - steve liked it but i hated it - my back was so sore if i tried having c in it once he was over 12lbs - no thank you

ergo and beco butterfly - i wanted to love these, i wanted to buy one of these but they are NOT made for a big chest (i am currently a 38i/j while nursing and probably will be for a few more years) - it was almost laughable how far these jutted out from my body...and i so wanted one.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

not exactly the sweetest birth story and uterine tearing

we don't always get what we want
sometimes the hardest lessons in gratitude are forged with scalpels and narcotics and crash carts
and this is where the story of ev's birth begins
i've debated as to whether i would write about this - back and forth for days
but i know it won't disappear by ignoring it, and i think there is a message for others in my experience

i had a particularly challenging pregnancy this time
but it was all me, not the baby
was sick til 20wks
on all sorts of restrictions
and then for the last 5 wks was on complete bedrest with the hopes of getting to full term this time around
3 days shy

if i had made it to 37wks i was planning on a homebirth
and was sad that i was so close
and at the same time filled with joy that i made it almost to term

so even though i knew when i went into labour that i was destined for a hospital birth
i was at peace with that

labour began normally
and went very badly very quickly
there was endless pain
and i knew something was wrong
there were no gaps
and the pain was centred on my lower abdomen
my midwife was showing a lot of concern
and she is solid, practical, earthy
the obstetrician came in
- your pain is not normal
i have only seen this once before
- i urge you to have a section
then he left for a few moments
and came back again

i was just blinded by the pain in my lower abdomen
but consented
and was out of there the second i said ok
and wheeled into an or

i begged to be awake for the procedure
as i knew it would take a lot longer to be alert after the procedure if i wasn't
and so had a narcotic and spinal injected
and the cut was so broad and deep that baby e was popped out in what seemed like seconds
there were crash carts as e had a huge decel during the cutting
his head was swollen and there were concerns about how he would do
my midwife and husband went with the nicu team
and somehow,
despite everything
he was ok

it took a long time to stitch me up
i looked at the clock - nearly an hour
and then the dr revealed the other case
he said it had been a complete uterine rupture that didn't end well
and although my uterus had started to tear, they were able to stop a full rupture and the bleeding
and if it had been 10 minutes later things could have been very different
for me
for the baby
he remarked that i had no scarring, so this was a spontaneous tear
but he said the way i described the pain was what made him keep insisting on surgery

if there is anything i have learned about birthing is it has nothing to do with who you are as a mother.
and to accept the things you have no control over
and be grateful that you don't have to lose everything when things go wrong

these are the signs i had...
disproportionate pain
pain that doesn't stop - contractions only add to it
pain that is localized in the lower abdomen and not diffuse like you normally feel with a contraction
a baby that looks like he's been in the birth canal and then pushes back up

UTERINE TEARING can spontaneously occur
previous births are not necessarily a predictor of uterine rupture
i had no internal scarring and this happened
listen to your body and be mindful that there is bad pain

my body doesn't tolerate birthing well
i've attended homebirths as labour support and will continue to do so with reverance for those whose bodies naturally provide, even if i can never have the experience myself

i am grateful to be moving to mothering only and leaving birthing behind, and that my body is functioning naturally as a mother in a way that it never could in birth.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

my son is almost 2.5yrs old and in a rear-facing car seat

i know i already have a link about the importance of rear-facing car seats in this blog, but now that c is nearly 2.5 yrs old, i don't know many who still have their children rear-facing at this age.

in my work as a registered massage therapist i deal with mva clients (motor vehicle accidents) and it can be slow progress trying to restore function in their necks and backs...with a developing spine, imagine the impact that this could have! it's simply safer to rear-face - there are several brands in canada that allow for rear facing to 35lbs like the true fit or the britax marathon.

we have a 2 door car, and yeah it an be a pain in the a$$ getting him out of his car seat, but honestly, his safety is more important than my aggravation.

if you want to see the tear-jerker version just click on my link in the right column of this blog. am posting this other video, not just for the accent ;) , but because it is a testament to the safety of rear facing.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

after a suggestion to make movies during bedrest...

...i did...latest one i put together with pics i had stored online and my laptop (so a bit limited but enough for a 3min song...
the china pics are blurry and the music isn't perfectly edited...

Friday, August 28, 2009

...and the myth of canadian medical refugees...

great study gives an idea of how many canadians choose to go to the us for medical treatment...

Phantoms In The Snow: Canadians’ Use Of Health Care Services In The United States

stop bashing canadian healthcare - already

learn about it, live it, before you judge it.

it's not perfect but because of it, my dad is alive, my husband's mom lived more than 15yrs longer than she "should have", and my son had the kind of care that compensated for his premature birth.

...and yes i am a regulated health professional too, but not directly in the publicly funded system.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

extended nursing - a celeb talks tandem

i found this interview with kelly rutherford really compelling. she tandem nurses her 3yr old and her infant in what has to be a fairly inhospitable environment.

she spoke of her difficulties with nursing her first, and how different nursing her second is, and despite what others think, she is tandem nursing. it takes courage to discuss it, much less be an extended nurser in a culture that idolizes body perfection and seemingly discards everything else. a few snippets from the interview...

"BfB: Absolutely, toddlers do get jealous sometimes and tandem nursing (12) is a wonderful transitional tool.

KR: I just want to say, to each his own. I know it’s not for everyone. Some people wonder how I do it and isn’t it exhausting but you have to realize it’s not all the time. My son is mostly busy doing other stuff and it’s more of a comfort thing, but it is really cute when they are nursing together. He just looks at her, and checks her out, and puts his hand on her little feet. It gives him this close-up intimate look at her, and it’s very beautiful to see them to kind of get to know each other. When a child is starting to be independent, to be able to come back to the mother and hold on, they are processing things when they are nursing. The world is a big place for us, imagine what it is for them. For children, it’s a nurturing, cuddly place to come back to that’s safe, where they can process the world that they are in. I see my son processing, and my daughter already; they sit, they look at you, they are safe, they have a moment to breathe, to be nurtured."


"BfB: Believe it or not some companies provide smoking breaks but not pumping breaks, and no place to pump besides a dirty broom closet with an outlet or the bathroom. What do you think of the Breastfeeding Promotion Act, which has been re-introduced into Congress and aims to end this discrimination under the 1964 Civil Rights Amendment?

KR: I’m happy to endorse the Breastfeeding Promotion Act (13) and anything that is associated with this. It’s hard to go back to work and continue nursing. I’ve even heard of people being discriminated against on airplanes. And the thing is, every time we’ve travelled, my son is nursing on take-off and landing, and so his ears don’t hurt. As a result, he’s a lot less fussy, he doesn’t cry like a lot of kids do, and that’s a lot more pleasant for everyone on the airplane.

BfB: That is a great tool and it is so worth sharing. More moms need to hear that because so many moms fear public disapproval (14).

KR: I would love to endorse anything in terms of this . . . in the beginning, I kind of felt alone out there [after sharing about nursing Hermes as a toddler] because all of a sudden everyone in the press was talking about it, good and bad, and I thought, oh my God, what have I said! I didn’t think it was that risqué or odd to talk about it, because it is acceptable to talk about so many things in the world. Just consider what they talk about on the news, or even show on the news!"

Thursday, August 20, 2009

living a successful life through compassion, courage and wisdom

i read a lot about buddhism - in particular tibetan buddhism.
i don't think it's any great coincidence that i found myself drawn to tibetan acupressure, and that i studied it and became a certified practitioner to complement my massage practice.

some of my favourite readings are those that centre around compassion. and i found it compelling reading about the roles of compassion courage and wisdom for leading a successful life.

compassion in feeling empathy, pain and the suffering of others. compassion in the spiritual sense and in one's day to day living and acting.

courage in taking action on compassion, helping others - courage in being willing to give instead of first looking at what one will get.

and wisdom - knowing how to do it.

it's so simple, and yet can create a real challenge to live by. disconnection from others cause pain and suffering to arise. and i find when i meditate and offer up my challenges and difficulties for the benefit of all sentient beings, there is this wave of peace and calmness that floats in and relieves my mind, my soul.

in the global sense, living in the awareness of compassion, courage and wisdom could be transforming. aggression may seem easier, but serves the benefit of the few. compassion connects us, strips away borders, emphasizes our likeness.

to live in bodhichitta - the compassionate and loving nature of our own being.
to live gently in the world
to connect

Saturday, July 04, 2009

repelling mosquitos

if canada day taught me anything
it's again, that i am food for mosquitos
i put repellent on c, and steve put some on himself
i slathered myself
and still ended up with connect-the-dots bites from watching the fireworks on parliament hill
in a field at lebreton flats
(great spot to watch, lots of people but not crowded and you can see most of the light show)

camping has always been a challenge that way
being feasted on
and i get the mosquito welt look
in indonesia, years ago, when the bus broke down a few hours out of semerang...and no one could speak english
and my only indonesian phrases were - just looking, thank you, hello and tourist price
well even the best gesticulating couldn't retrieve my back pack
with the repellent in it
from the belly of the bus
as the windows opened
i knew

and after arriving in denpasar the next day i had nearly 100 bites that i could see and count

so i am serious about these pint sized terrors

have been using essential oils - a little bit of success but still bitten

and now am looking into carbolic soap - which i've heard can work
so i've picked up several bars

the evidence...
natural mosquito repellent (currently using something similar...

Many plants can be used to repel insects naturally; in fact, most essential oils act as insect repellent for one bug or another. The oils tested by NBC were a mixture that is suggested specifically to repel mosquitos and other biting insects found in Michigan. It included:

  • Purification, a blend of citronella, lemongrass, lavandin, rosemary, melaleuca, myrtle
  • Thieves, a blend of cinnamon, clove, lemon, rosemary, eucalyptus
  • lemon
  • peppermint
  • lavender"
...and of carbolic soap (from soap works, i bought a bunch of carbolic soap bars from them and am ready to try it out)...

"They had found washing with carbolic soap kept mosquitoes from biting them.
A bit skeptical, our retailer decided to try it for himself. Freshly showered with carbolic soap, he attended his kid’s evening baseball game. He noticed everyone in the stands was swatting continuously throughout the game. He watched mosquitoes land on him then literally leap off without biting.
We figure there must be something to it. Anyone willing to haul twenty-six pounds of soap up the Amazon must be doing it because it is worthwhile.
One of our customers in northern Ontario stocks up on carbolic soap every spring. “It’s one of the first things the tree planters buy.” They are out in the deep woods from dawn to dusk. They swear that it helps keep the bugs from biting.
Worm picking is done at night, which is peak mosquito time. For many years, one of our distributors has been shipping cases of carbolic soap to a worm picking company in the prairies."

so ready to test out the carbolic soap, even if it means a slightly leathery, antiseptic smell (yum!)
i suppose this is a post that will be continued...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

self weaning happens and honouring the nursing relationship

well, it appears that this pregnancy brought on a huge drop in supply
and after over 26mths of nursing c he has self weaned (although some of the weaning is surely the drop in supply during this pregnancy

i do plan on pumping milk for him for as long as his sibling nurses.

nursing my former preemie for over 2 yrs is one of the biggest accomplishments in my life so far.
and i honour it
i honour him
and a relationship that brought him from tubes and isolettes to a healthy, robust (albeit slim!) toddler.
c was stubborn about learning signs, but he picked up the one for milk early

i think back to how we started and i am really proud of myself
and that the challenges we had showed me that i had strength previously unknown to me

c would not nurse at the breast for almost 3 mths.
i pumped and pumped some more and never supplemented
i'd pump for up to an hour in one session
10-14 times a day
i learned of every possible galactogogue
massage technique
pumping technique
latching technique
dietary restriction
that one could possibly learn

i would pump and cry
i would try to latch him and he'd cry
and i'd cry
i fell deep into the darkness of motherhood
the hopeless, depressed, struggling side

and then one day
he latched
even though failure was the stronger bet to take
we beat the odds

and made it past 2 years

and it restored my trust in my body
in myself
i am glad and grateful to have been able to turn our struggles with nursing
into energy and action and helping other new nursing mamas in their unforeseen challenges with breastfeeding

i learned of blessings
and gratitude
and rejoicing in the small miracles
that each day can bring

all of this
from the trials to the triumph
in our long term nursing success

i celebrate the commitment of women who are extended nursers
it is not an easy path
but now that the supply is gone temporarily
i celebrate them
am grateful for the changes that they are bringing
in acceptance of something so pure and natural
and am honoured to be part of them.

Monday, June 22, 2009

so i don't forget hathor

...from my crystal healing treatment

very meaningful

from wiki

Hathor , (Hwt Hr Egyptian for Horus's enclosure), was an Ancient Egyptian goddess who personified the principles of feminine love, motherhood and joy.[1] She was one of the most important and popular deities throughout the history of Ancient Egypt. Hathor was worshiped by Royalty and common people alike in whose tombs she is depicted as “Mistress of the West” welcoming the dead into the next life.[2]. In other roles she was a goddess of music, dance, foreign lands and fertility who helped women in childbirth.[2]

Saturday, June 20, 2009

finally, a sensible policy - breech birthing

"C-section not best option for breech birth

The Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada will launch program to teach physicians breech vaginal delivery"


"With the release of the new guidelines, the SOGC will launch a nationwide training program to ensure that doctors will be adequately prepared to offer vaginal breech births ."
..."The new decision to offer vaginal breech birth aligns with the SOGC promotion of normal childbirth – spontaneous labour, followed by a delivery that is not assisted by forceps, vacuum or cesarean section. In December of 2008, the society release a policy statement that included its recommendation for a development of national practice guidelines on normal childbirth.

“The safest way to deliver has always been the natural way,” said Dr. Lalonde.

“Vaginal birth is the preferred method of having a baby because a C-section in itself has complications.”"

i like this article summarizing it from the globe and mail because it also includes quotes from a local woman who has been petitioning and advocating the normalization of natural, vaginal, breech births. her passion is inspirational...

"News of the change is a boon for the Ottawa-based Coalition for Breech Birth.

“We're really, really pleased,” said Robin Guy, co-founder of the coalition.

Ms. Guy started the group after the birth of her second child in the fall of 2006. Although she had given birth to her first child at home with a midwife, Ms. Guy delivered her daughter in the hospital because of the baby's breech position.

“I was cornered into an unneeded and unwanted C-section because the obstetrician that I had didn't have the experience to catch her,” said Ms. Guy.

The aim of the coalition is to ensure that women know what their options are when it comes to breech birth. Ms. Guy believes that many women don't realize that vaginal breech births are even possible.

“Educating women is our primary goal because it takes more than just a guideline change,” she said."

there are several hospitals in ottawa that have been following this protocol for months now, but to see it codified into a position statement and real training, well it makes me tear up a little knowing that many women will now be able to avoid a co-erced (forced, really) c-section for a slightly less usual, but still normal birth presentation. several midwives already do breech births (mostly at home, and if the presentation is frank or complete)

there are several instances where vaginal birth will still be considered too risky - preemie (check), footling with presentation of one foot first in the canal (check - and less than 1 in 100 breech presentations are this), and other reasons where a c-section would normally be warranted.

sure there will be an adjustment period, but this has to be some of the best birthing news to arrive in a long time. it makes my heart sing to think that even one woman can avoid the trauma of major abdominal surgery and have her natural, bum first baby!

now on to improving vbac rates!

Monday, June 15, 2009

the stuff that dreams are made of

i have such vivid dreams when i am pregnant
and yet i never write them down
only to be forgotton a few waking hours later

so - my blog is here - think i'll start writing them down
and see what messages come in dreams

already last night's dreams are slipping away
but a brief outline of one i remember
is going to a place i thought was the science centre
and they were doing renos and i said let's come back when it's all done
but went inside with c and steve anyhow
and all of a sudden it was just me and c
and it looked a bit like the inside of the eaton centre
except for a humid, jungle feel
and people were lined up
around corners
and down stairs
for some exhibit
i don't know what

and i was thinking i wanted to go but didn't know what it was
but was concerned about the wait
and an antsy c
and the dream ended
i don't know if we waited or not

trying to remember how i felt
was i anxious or excited, frustrated or worried

i'll get better at writing these things down

Monday, June 01, 2009

thank you for nursing in public

was reading the blog kind over matter and really like their nursing in public cards

it basically is a printable card to give to nip'ers to thank them for nursing in public

here's the link to the thank you cards

i think i would have been blown away if i had been given one of these while nursing in public. so rarely do we get positive feedback, usually just tolerated or sometimes stared at.

what a beautiful idea...

Sunday, May 31, 2009

cervical length

i'm a bit confused. last week - at 19wks pregnant i had a transvaginal ultrasound that said my cervix length was 3.4cm or 34mm and everything over 3cm is acceptable.

however, when i read charts and stats i should be closer to 5cm

so having had a preemie already i am a bit concerned

not flat out worried but if you read this chart maybe you'd see where i might be concerned

Monday, May 18, 2009

meal planning and the %^&*$ fridge

well until friday night we were without a fridge for nearly a week
bear in mind the fridge that stopped working is only 2.5yrs old
manufacturing flaw - fan missing a fin
= paying for maytag's mistakes
won't be buying from them again, and we have a triplex so chances are appliances will be replaced

thankfully the 20yr old fridge in our back unit was pretty much empty. our fridge started conking out a week ago saturday - and i had just done a $300 grocery shop! was not happy that i lost some food but at least it wasn't all.

anyhow, have done a near 3 wk meal plan and despite a non-functioning fridge, we only did takeout (out of frustration of back and forth) once - mmm pho!

so yesterday and today's meal was a crockpot soup - easy peasy and pretty good

a few nights ago it was a rice spaghetti broccoli bake (simple - bunch of broccoli, 300g of rice pasta done al dente, can of cream of mushroom soup, garlic, mozzarella, basil, a bit of light cream, and in the oven for 45min at 325)

and also did perogies - yum! and a caprese pasta salad...mmm!

although time consuming, i love doing meal planning as it leaves for very little waste and lots of good leftovers

tomorrow will be pulled bbq chicken with salad - yum and the leftovers will be chicken and avocado wraps.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

watching "Cut"

interesting documentary about circumcision
done by a former dr and jewish film-maker
and looked at both the medical side - like the loss of meissner corpuscles (nerve endings)
scarring not unlike what occurs in some amputations
and the religious aspects

link to the documentary Cut

some of it, i'll be honest, i could only listen to, and not watch.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

yes, more benefits for MOTHERS who breastfeed

i have nursed my son now for 2 years and still going...i know my milk will probably change to colostrum soon and my son may wean, but yes - 2 YEARS and counting!

in any case, i don't always love nursing my son, and often find it a chore, but the benefits, first for him and now for me, are important to me.

i am aware of several of the benefits already - reduced risks for breast, ovarian and cervical cancers, reduced risks for r.a. and osteoporosis, but there are more! i read bbc news a lot as they cover all types of health stories so of course this one caught my attention...

Breastfeeding 'protects mother'


"...women who breastfed for more than a year were 10% less likely to develop the conditions than those who never breastfed.
Even breastfeeding for at least a month may cut the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. "

"The latest US study, by the University of Pittsburgh, focused on nearly 140,000 post-menopausal women.
On average, it had been 35 years since the women had last breastfed - suggesting the beneficial impact lasts for decades. "

"...breastfeeding for more than a year cut the risk of high blood pressure by 12%, and diabetes and high cholesterol by around 20%. "

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

the safety of homebirths

i had hoped for a homebirth the first time around with c, but then he decided to be a preemie and a footling breech (rare) to boot! so my plans of moving freely around my home, and having a natural experience with the comforts of familiarity, evaporated in an instant.

now pregnant with #2, i am going to be trying for a homebirth again. i really connected with my midwife the first time around and feel like i can trust her, and myself, implicitly.

i live in a country where homebirths are not the norm, and are in fact often scoffed at, or thought of as less safe.

which brings me to my point - more evidence on the safety of homebirthing...

Home births 'as safe as hospital'

some highlights...
"Research from the Netherlands - which has a high rate of home births - found no difference in death rates of either mothers or babies in 530,000 births."

"But even when she needed to be transferred to the care of a doctor in a hospital, the risk to her or her baby was no higher than if she had started out her labour under the care of a midwife in hospital."

"The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) said it supported home births "in cases of low-risk pregnancies provided the appropriate infrastructures and resources are present to support such a system." (UK)

Monday, April 20, 2009

weather wars

spring is a funny time of year
people will boast or groan day to day as the temp fluctuates
i think that's the thing about spring
there's no consistency

the only thing we know for sure is summer will come

but the up and down see saw 10 degrees up, then 15 then down 5, makes it all a bit messy

i guess this was sparked by looking at the weather network and seeing that tomorrow will be 6 degrees colder than today but 14 degrees warmer by the weekend.

temperamental temperatures

Saturday, April 18, 2009

excellent story on preemies and human milk

the drop in rates of nec were of particular interest in the hospital used in the story
as well as the stats that any former nicu mom knows - way less preemies go home on human milk than their full term counterparts

april showers

bring october babies?

i haven't written in a while
mostly because i have been so nauseated and so exhausted
and now - 14 weeks pregnant

i am starting to get little gaps here and there where i don't feel hungover

i've done acupuncture
and homeopathic remedies

all in an effort to feel a little better
and hopefully soon
as it's been a long time coming since i last felt well

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

turmeric - not just for curries anymore

A brief rundown on this yummy spice...turmeric!

- may pack more healing power than any other spice
- aspirin of Asia, where it has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to heal wounds and treat inflammatory illnesses like arthritis
- contains curcumin, a compound that is both a powerful anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant. - non-toxic.
- curcumin might help prevent and treat Alzheimer's disease and cancer. Teams at UCLA, Harvard and in Japan subsequently discovered that curcumin might fight Alzheimer's in several ways.
- curcumin may help fight many cancers - 40 animal studies that suggest curcumin may have a strong protective effect against common cancers such as breast, colon, lung, prostate and skin.

about 1/4tsp a day is considered completely safe - to do list for 2009!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

interesting read on children and sleeping through the night

it's no secret that we are co-sleepers around here...and sleeping through the night is very hit and miss. during our vacation, c slept through all but 2 nights (a record) but i think it was out of sheer exhaustion from all the time outdoors.

anyhow, a really interesting article...

and a few of the highlights from the article...

"Human children are designed (whether you believe by millions of years of evolution, or by God, it doesn't matter) -- to nurse *very* frequently, based on the composition of the milk of the species, the fact that all higher primates (Primates are the zoological Order to which humans belong, higher primates include monkeys and apes) keep their offspring in the mother's arms or on her back for several years, the size of the young child's stomach, the rapidity with which breast milk is digested, the need for an almost constant source of nutrients to grow that huge brain (in humans, especially), and so on."

Human children are designed to be sleeping with their parents. The sense of touch is the most important sense to primates, along with sight. Young primates are carried on their mother's body and sleep with her for years after birth, often until well after weaning. The expected pattern is for mother and child to sleep together, and for child to be able to nurse whenever they want during the night. Normal, healthy, breastfed and co-sleeping children do not sleep "through the night" (say 7-9 hours at a stretch) until they are 3-4 years old, and no longer need night nursing. I repeat -- this is NORMAL and HEALTHY."

february flies

back from vacation and it is already heading toward the end of february...yikes.

tomorrow is the last day of winterlude and dh and c and i will likely be heading to the kid's park for fun on the ice slides.

Monday, January 19, 2009

pvr here we come

i mean airport code

off to puerto vallarta and am looking forward to it


that's all

am bloody tired after spending an age and a half finding a place

Friday, January 09, 2009

next on my natural to do list

buy a boar bristle brush so that i'll hopefully have some no-poo success this time around

did do baking soda and apple cider vinegar and just looked nasty - and i know things get nasty before better, but it was the summer and it just looked bad. i suppose winter is a good time to try - i can always cover my head...


"Instead, boar bristle brushes are designed to clean, polish and condition hair. The densely-packed, fibrous bristles attract dust and dirt, brushing them out of the hair. For those committed to water-only or natural haircare, the brush becomes a primary method of removing foreign particles from the hair.

Treating Sebum

The bristles also catch hold of sebum, the oily substance produced by the scalp. Left to itself, sebum tends to clump near the roots of hairs, clogging pores and giving hair a greasy, unwashed look. A boar bristle brush spreads the sebum from the root down the length of the hair shaft, allowing it to do its job of coating and protecting the hair. Sebum is the natural hair conditioner, and repeated application helps hair to stay moisturised and shiny."

we shall see

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

power of punctuation

An English professor wrote these words on a chalk board:
"A woman without her man is nothing"
The students were asked to punctuate it correctly.

All of the males in the class wrote:
"A woman, without her man, is nothing."
All the females in the class wrote:
"A woman: without her, man is nothing."

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Funny Signs

Funny Signs
Sign over a Gynecologist's Office:
"Dr. Jones,at your cervix."
In a Podiatrist's Office:
"Time wounds all heels."
On a Septic Tank Truck in Oregon:
"Yesterday's Meals on Wheels."
At a Proctologist's door:
"To expedite your visit please back in."
On a Plumber's truck:
"Don't sleep with a drip.Call your plumber."
At the tire Shop in Milwaukiee:
"Invite us on your next blowout."
At the Towing company:
"We don't charge an arm and leg.We want tows."
On an Electritian's truck
"Let's us remove your shorts."
On a Maternity Room door:
At an Optometrist Ofiice:
"If you don't see what you're looking for,you've come to the right place."
On a Taxidermist window:
"We really know our stuff."
On a Fence:
"Salesmen welcome!Dog food is expensive."
At the Car Dealership:
"The best way to get back on your feet--mis a car payment."
Outside a Mufler Shop:
"No appointment nessesery.We hear you coming."
In a Veterinarian's waiting room:
"Be back in 5 minutes.Sit!Stay!"
At the Electric Company:
"We would be delighted if you send in your payment.
However,if you don't,you will be."
In a Restaurant window:
"Don't stand there and be hungry,come on in and get fed up."
In the front yard of a Funeral Home:
"Drive carefully,We'll wait."
At a Propane Filling Station:
"Thank heaven for little grills."
And don't forget the sign an a Chicago Radiator Shop:
"Best place in town to take a leak."
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Monday, January 05, 2009

Coffee (n.), a person who is coughed upon.

The Washington Post annually publishes a contest for readers in which they are asked to supply alternate meanings for various words.

Coffee (n.), a person who is coughed upon.

Flabbergasted (adj.), appalled over how much weight you have gained.

Abdicate (v.), to give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.

Willy-nilly (adj.), impotent.

Esplanade (v.), to attempt an explanation while drunk.

Negligent (adj.), describes a condition in which you absentmindedly answer the door in your nightie.

Lymph (v.), to walk with a lisp.

Gargoyle (n.), an olive-flavored mouthwash.

Flatulence (n.), the emergency vehicle that picks you up after you are run over by a steamroller.

Balderdash (n.), a rapidly receding hairline.

Testicle (n.), a humorous question on an exam paper.

Rectitude (n.), the formal, dignified demeanor assumed by a proctologist immediately before he examines you.

Oyster (n.), a person who sprinkles his conversation with Yiddish expressions.

Circumvent (n.), the opening in the front of boxer shorts.

Frisbeetarianism (n.), The belief that, when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck there.

Pokemon (n), A Jamaican proctologist.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

fun fun - letter mix and match

When rearranged:
















Thursday, January 01, 2009

a new year

just a quote to usher in 2009 on the blog

"For last year's words belong to last year's language and next year's words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning."
--T.S. Eliot
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