Saturday, June 20, 2009

finally, a sensible policy - breech birthing

"C-section not best option for breech birth

The Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada will launch program to teach physicians breech vaginal delivery"

"With the release of the new guidelines, the SOGC will launch a nationwide training program to ensure that doctors will be adequately prepared to offer vaginal breech births ."
..."The new decision to offer vaginal breech birth aligns with the SOGC promotion of normal childbirth – spontaneous labour, followed by a delivery that is not assisted by forceps, vacuum or cesarean section. In December of 2008, the society release a policy statement that included its recommendation for a development of national practice guidelines on normal childbirth.

“The safest way to deliver has always been the natural way,” said Dr. Lalonde.

“Vaginal birth is the preferred method of having a baby because a C-section in itself has complications.”"

i like this article summarizing it from the globe and mail because it also includes quotes from a local woman who has been petitioning and advocating the normalization of natural, vaginal, breech births. her passion is inspirational...

"News of the change is a boon for the Ottawa-based Coalition for Breech Birth.

“We're really, really pleased,” said Robin Guy, co-founder of the coalition.

Ms. Guy started the group after the birth of her second child in the fall of 2006. Although she had given birth to her first child at home with a midwife, Ms. Guy delivered her daughter in the hospital because of the baby's breech position.

“I was cornered into an unneeded and unwanted C-section because the obstetrician that I had didn't have the experience to catch her,” said Ms. Guy.

The aim of the coalition is to ensure that women know what their options are when it comes to breech birth. Ms. Guy believes that many women don't realize that vaginal breech births are even possible.

“Educating women is our primary goal because it takes more than just a guideline change,” she said."

there are several hospitals in ottawa that have been following this protocol for months now, but to see it codified into a position statement and real training, well it makes me tear up a little knowing that many women will now be able to avoid a co-erced (forced, really) c-section for a slightly less usual, but still normal birth presentation. several midwives already do breech births (mostly at home, and if the presentation is frank or complete)

there are several instances where vaginal birth will still be considered too risky - preemie (check), footling with presentation of one foot first in the canal (check - and less than 1 in 100 breech presentations are this), and other reasons where a c-section would normally be warranted.

sure there will be an adjustment period, but this has to be some of the best birthing news to arrive in a long time. it makes my heart sing to think that even one woman can avoid the trauma of major abdominal surgery and have her natural, bum first baby!

now on to improving vbac rates!

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